Lincoln Park First Aid Squad provides high-quality emergency medical services to residents and visitors, while also promoting life safety practices. To our members, we pledge to provide the most up-to-date equipment and thorough educational and training opportunities. We will remain a proactive and progressive force for the betterment of emergency medical service to our community and our mutual aid towns.
To keep residents and visitors of Lincoln Park safe.
43 of your neighbors, friends, and community members just like you.
4 state-of-the-art vehicles equipped to serve.
A highly-trained EMS force with proactive continuing education.
On May 27, 1965, we were incorporated as Lincoln Park First Aid Squad, Inc. For more than 50 years the Lincoln Park First Aid Squad also known as Lincoln Park EMS (LPEMS) has been providing free emergency medical services to friends, visitors, and neighbors of Lincoln Park.
Never knowing what you may encounter is part of the challenge. We open doors into your home, office, or car. We walk into your life; you don’t know who we are, where we work, or why we do it. But when you need them, you’re grateful we are there. We are your neighbors, colleagues, and family members. We serve you and your loved ones during an emergency. We are Lincoln Park EMS.